Sunday, May 30, 2010

In three years...

Three years passed - the most difficult time in our lives. At the beginning we didn't speak English, didn't understand the Canadian culture, and didn't have any friends around for help. It was much worse than we expected. Our children didn't feel any better. Immigration taught us many things and we are living proof of the quote "What doesn't kill you - make you stronger". In these three years we bought our first house.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Co bolo na zaciatku?

Pisal sa rok 1986 a bolo leto - cas na dovolenky. Ceskoslovensko bolo komunisticke a my sme chceli von. Jadranske pobrezie bola nasa sanca a tak sa stalo ze sme sa zabudli vratit. Namiesto Ceskoslovenska sme sa vybrali do Kanady a tak sa zacala nasa dlha cesta budovat si novy zivot ktory nebol na zaciatok lahky.

What was at the beginning?

The year was 1986 and summer - vacation time. Czechoslovakia was communist country, and we wanted out. Adriatic coast in Yugoslavia was our chance. We didn't think twice and instead of Czechoslovakia, we opted for Canada and our long journey started to build a new life.